The Forum is dedicated to our club and is resident on our hosted website. As a user, try this out and see if it adds value. Actual Forum is found at this link.
Begin by registering: here link and register on that page with a user name and password. You can check the box to auto-login each time you come to this forum, so each time you reenter you are logged in.
Once registered, then you will be lead to the "Board Index" and a list of the forums for the Club. You can view and comment on any forum or subforum.
"Finishing" is one of the forums and there can be more added as anyone wishes.
Click on the Finishing forum and add a comment or a new topic and solicit comments. You can also add additional subtopics to initiate new questions or suggestions. There is no limit to the number of comments or questions. Adding pictures and even videos is also possible and desired.
A statement of goal: with the forum we can pursue a wide range of topics on finishing at the same time while allowing each member to participate where they want. The outcome of good ideas that are presented can be a set of pages under tutorial in the club website.
An organizational comment: I think we need to have the subforums stated initially, such that there are a wide variety of options for members to participate where they want. An example is that we could have a sub-forum on the following ideas or question: waxing and how durable, oil finishes and where best to use, wipe on poly and the best process, varnish finishes such as salad bowl finish and best process, problems in finishes and solution, coloring, texturing. These or a better list could be setup before asking the club to participate. We could seek moderators for each one in fact.
Videos: can be incorporated and there are a growing number. Generally for most wood turning videos there are other complex ideas or instructions to follow to insure success. One set of videos as a example are those that Craft Supplies is posting: LINK