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December Meeting

Tuesday, December 11

It will be our annual Holiday party and gift exchange
Setup 5:30 pm
Appetizers 6:30 pm
Pot luck dinner 7:00 pm
Gift Exchange
Ornament Raffle
No sign up required - just come
Main dish provided
Bring a side dish - salad, dessert or other

Sunnyvale Seventh Day Adventist Church
653 W Fremont ave, Sunnyvale

Barry Uden


Upcoming Events

Tuesday January 8
Program: Review of Christmas turnings
President's challenge: Natural edge bowl or platter

Tuesday February 12
Program: Dave Vannier - Beading
President's challenge: A turning with chattering

March 15 2019 >> March 17
Oregon Woodturning Symposium
Location: Albany, Oregon

Barry Uden


November 2018 meeting: Barry Uden - Natural edge with bark


Barry turned a natural edge piece, showing the proper handling of a gouge and scraper. Using the gouge, contact the intermittent edge of the bark with a shearing action. Grind the scraper with negative rake to avoid catching.
He uses a glue block to hold the piece on the lathe allowing more wood in the piece.

See demo photos here
See Meeting photos here



Dave Vannier on the Holiday Dinner and Beads of Courage

One of my favorite club events is coming up, the December pot luck/gift exchange. I hope you are planning to come. The club will provide turkey, potatoes, gravy, waters, plates, silverware, etc. This is a pot-luck, so bring a dish of your choice, something that is holiday worthy.

Our gift exchange is also a special event, no gag gifts. This is an opportunity to collect a nice turning from a fellow member. I've collect some nice pieces, and hope what I've shared has been up to snuff. We have some world class turners! I just started on the fish for my gift. Should be cured by the time of the meeting. How is your gift coming? Just put your wrapped gift under the tree when you come, and we will get to you with a ticket before we start the exchange.

Members also donate ornaments (& other small items) which we hang on the tree (or put under the tree) and then raffle them off. Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20. The money raised helps pay for the event. I have one of Harvey's bell ornaments, like he demonstrated in Oct. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

Besides being a good time to be thankful for all the good friends we've made over the years, it is also a time to reach out and help those less fortunate. Next year, you will hear about the beads of courage program. While this has been going on at a national level, and several members have participated by donating pieces at the symposiums, we will have a local program! If you don't know about this, we will be turning and donating lidded vessels to local hospitals. The hospitals then give one to a child when they start treatments which hopefully will save their lives. After each treatment, they are given a bead, which they place in the container. This is a small thing that we can all do, but might just bring a smile. Mark Koenig has done the leg work to get local hospitals to work with, and he will share more info in an upcoming meeting. He has my support, and I hope you will join in!



Turning a Door Knocker

Reprint from Victorian Door Knockers archive
Thursday 11 November 2010
by Paul Loseby

The inspiration for this article came from the TV program 'Victorian Farm' and in particular when they renovated a blacksmith's forge. The presenters made one of the old Victorian door knockers out of steel and I thought that a similar thing could be made out of oak (Quercus robur) using some simple techniques. I didn't manage a lion's head on the knocker but there is no reason why this piece can't be carved and decorated. In addition to the turning tools pictured below, you will also need a 6 x 1in round blank of English oak and an 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 9in piece of the same timber, plus a roll of gaffer tape. Tools used: 1/8in parting tool, 1/2in skew chisel, 3/8in spindle gouge and 5/8in bowl gouge with double bevel.
Click here for the full article and step by step instructions.

door knocker


2018 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President:  Bud Trapp
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: David Vannier
Meeting Program Coordinator team:
- Harvey Klein, Dave Plemons, Richard Winslow, Claude Godcharles
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website:  Tom Haines

click here for contact information on the above


2019 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President:  Barry & Laura Uden
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: 
Meeting Program Coordinator: Bob Hedges
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website:  Tom Haines

click here for contact information on the above


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   Tom Haines