West Bay Woodturners
November 2015 Newsletter
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November Meeting:
When: Tuesday
November 10 - 7 pm
Where: Bridges Church, Directions: Location
Program: Harvey Klein will turn an ornament.
Presidents Challenge: A turning you plan to give as a Christmas gift.
Election of 2016 officers
John Beaver demo - Sunday November 15
below for announcement and information or click
for printable flyer
December Meeting: Pot luck, gift exchange, ornament raffle.
See below for signup information.
October Meeting Recap:
October 2015 meeting - Bob Bley: stone inlay
Bob gave a comprehensive description of applying stone inlay to a turned wood piece.
Suitable stone ranges in size from small rocks to granular.
Cementing to the wood is a challenge.
Stone, being harder than wood, is a challenge to cut(or grind).
But the results are very special.
A letter from our president
We are nearing the end of another calendar year.
I won't be with you in November, so I will leave you in George Lutz's capable hands to run the meeting.
We must complete our officer elections, as there is no time to do it in December,
so please come with your minds open and step up if you can. In addition to needed to elect officers,
we will need a new program director and new librarian.
I'd like to thank Larry Dubia for his work on the programs, and Bill Daniels for the library.
We will also have the old club paper library offered to the club members. Larry will be bringing it.
There are a number of visitors tapes, free for the taking. Books are either a $1 of $5 donation to the club.
Of course you can feel free to donate more if you would like.
We have been storing this part of the library for a few years, but really have no place to store them.
They also have no value in storage. This will be a one shot opportunity, so please check it out!
Last, Bob will be passing the sign up sheet around at the meeting for the December pot luck.
It is important to get a count, so we have enough, but not too much food.
If you can't make the meeting, haven't signed up yet, but plan to attend,
please drop a note to either Robert or myself with what you will be bringing and how many will be coming.
This is one of my favorite meetings. So see you there!
December Potluck
Please sign up at the November meeting.
Sign up to bring a dish and indicate how many of you
will attend.
Sign up options are:
Hot plate
John Beaver Demo - Sunday November 15
Finishing Pens by Don Ward, Red River Pens (www.redriverpens.com)
This month the article provided to WBW compliments of "More Woodturning" magazine
is available via printable or readable PDF by clicking
2015 WBW board members and committee chairs.
President: David Vanier
Vice President: George Lutz
Treasurer: Bud Trapp
Secretary: Ken McCloud
Member at Large: Bob Bley
Meeting Program Coordinator: Larry Dubia
Visiting artist Coordinator: Bob Bley
Anchor seal: Jim Laflin
CA Glue: Ken McCloud
Craft Supply: Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies: Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bill Daniels
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website: Tom Haines
Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Tom Haines
Website Peninsula, Calif