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August Meeting

Tuesday, August 14, 4 pm

Annual WBW Barbeque
See further information below

Cuesta Park Mt View - Group Picnic Site #1
Click for map



Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 22 7 pm
Sawdust session
Bob Bley's shop
158 Hillside Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Sunday September 9
Sam Angelo
Hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners
Click here for his website
Click here for a printable flyer & see the flyer below.

August 24-26
Soutwest Association of Turners symposium
Waco, TX
More info here

Friday-Sunday September 14-16
Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium
Loveland, CO
More info here

October 12-14
Segmented Symposium
St. Louis Missouri
More info here

Angelo urn


July 2018 meeting: Shapes and forms by Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers

Jim reminded us of the importance of shapes and forms to the look and acceptance of our work. He provided a review of work from earlier times. It is amazing how well the principles of form were understood from an earlier time. We have different perceptions of the sames art pieces, but basic principles are constant. The 'Golden Mean' is basic, but do we make measurements?

Click here to see Jim's summary of design elements. It is worth a review.

See the president's challenge and show and tell here

golden mean



Curtis Vose on the WBW Barbeque

August Meeting BBQ Riddle: what do you call a monthly wood turning meeting that has no demonstration, no lathe, no president's challenges and no CA glue to sell?

Why it is the annual BBQ meeting. And this year we are meeting in a wonderful new venue, Cuesta Park in Mt. View. It is just a short distance from Bridges Community Church (see address below )

Cuesta Park
615 Cuesta Drive
Group picnic site #1 (this is at the end of the parking lot - no walking involved)
Start time 4:00 PM, Tuesday August 14th.

What we will have at this event, is BBQ chicken, and polish sausage, various chips and drinks and a good time to share with fellow wood turners from WBW and SVC. You are welcome to bring adult refreshments and for those of you who signed up to bring side dishes please do.

There will be no wood raffle or silent auction this year unless someone just has to purge old tools or orphan wood. However you are welcome to bring any new turnings that you want to show off as we will have a time allowed for show and tell. Look forward to seeing members from both clubs at this event.

The map to the location is here: Click on the address 615 CUESTA DRIVE


September Demonstration - Sam Angelo

Sam Angelo


2018 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President:  Bud Trapp
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: David Vannier
Meeting Program Coordinator team:
- Harvey Klein, Dave Plemons, Richard Winslow, Claude Godcharles
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website:  Tom Haines

click here for contact information on the above


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   Tom Haines

WBW   Website  San Francisco Bay Area, West Bay, California