New Officers were elected: Pat will return as President for another year, to be joined by David Vannier as Vice President
(head of vice, always knew he was well qualified), Curtis Vose as Secretary, and Starry Chan as Treasurer. Hurrah for Edgar and
the work he did. Thanks EW!!
George Lutz is working on delivering the classes for the club and now has a good idea of what the club wants. Great news that we can figure this out.
Dan Schkolnik talked about the library, and the need for a digital version and not books or DVD's. Options for selling the hardcopy books will be explored.
Laura spoke about the upcoming demos by Jimmy Clewes (Sunday, March 11th) and Graeme Priddle (Saturday, May 5th - joint demo with Silicon Valley Woodturners). There is also a possibility of hainv Joey Richardson after the symposium in June.
The acacia that was sold at this meeting (still had a lot left over) was Wattle Acacia.
CA glue is available from Peter Pipe, who informs us that it is difficult to maintain a "sensible inventory", which when said
with a British accent contains some humor. Thanks Peter.
Plenty of shirts are still available, so let Ross know of your purchase plans so he does not have to carry the stuff to every meeting.
Link to see inventory is HERE.
The badge Nazi will be out at the next meeting. I thought I shot that person.