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January Meeting
Tuesday, January 9, 7 pm
Christmas party gift exchange and ornament treasures
will be shown by the recipients
with a presentation by some of the creators
See President's Musings below - paragraph four
Bridges Community Church
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos
Upcoming Events
Saturday March 10 2018
Rudy Lopez
Production Woodturner
See flyer
Saturday May 19 2018
Trent Bosch
Wood Sculptor/Turner
May 10th, 11th & 12th, 2018
Utah Woodturning Symposium
Click here for more info
June 14-17 2018 Portland OR
AAW's 32nd Annual International Symposium
Click here for more info
December 2017 club meeting: Holiday party and gift exchange
Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through the shop
Not a lathe was creating, not even a top.
The ornaments were hung on the tree with care,
In hopes that the raffle soon would be there.
The turners were seated all eating their bread,
While visions of gift-turnings danced in their head.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But turned gifts and ornaments, a sight to revere.
For meeting photos click here
President's Musings - Bud Trapp
It is an honor to write to you this month. There is new team at WBW. Roman Chernikov is our new Secretary, Duncan MacMillan has taken the reins as Treasurer, Bob Bley continues as our Vice President and Visiting Artist organizer, Dave Vannier, WBW long time stalwart, represents the membership at large, and I will be the new President. There are many others who are part of the WBW operations team. Many thanks to Tom Kenyon for serving as our President for two years.
The one you see in print the most is Tom Haines who composes the monthly Newsletter,
which keeps us up-to-date on all WBW activities, and manages our website.
Tom is assisted by Scott McRae who does the electronic mailing.
There are others, too. Our DVD Library is managed by Bob Hedges,
Tom Kenyon manages the supply of CA Glue,
Phil Feiner provides coffee and cookies at our meetings,
Richard Winslow is our Craft Supplies buyer at a discount,
Dennis Lillis manages the Anchor seal supply,
LeRoy Nelson, as a member of Bridges Community Church,
provides our access to our meeting room and storage of our lathe and library,
and many members run the video camera for our ease of seeing our monthly meeting
speaker and demo.
What I have left out is the most important piece of our organization team
Meeting Program Coordinator(s).
This has been WBW's weakest link, which affects all of us.
For several years this position has been vacant.
What can be done?
I would like to propose that a team of three to five members become the Meeting Program Planning Team.
Three to five heads are better than one and it lightens the load for ALL.
Since we ALL want to have good meeting programs, we need several of you to join the Program Team.
When we call, be ready to say, "YES, I'm ready to help."
Richard Winslow is the first to volunteer to join the Program Team.
You are going to really enjoy the January meeting.
Those who enjoyed our Christmas Party with Gift Exchange and Raffle were treated to seeing some extraordinary gifts and turnings,
but for only a brief moment, and then everyone went home with their new treasures.
These treasures will return to our Club meeting on January 9 for all of us to see.
Then Larry Dubia, Roman Chernikov, Pat Crowley, Tom Kenyon,
Glenn Krueg, and Dave Vannier will each give a short presentation about how they accomplished their artwork.
There will be written handouts from each presenter.
You will want to come and see these treasures and learn some new techniques.
I look forward to seeing you on January 9, before 7 PM, at the Bridges Community Church, Los Altos.
Bud Trapp
Editor's note: Thank you, Bud, for taking on the president's job and for your years of keeping us solvent (and sane) as treasurer.
It is time to pay dues
The club needs money to operate.
For $30 you receive more than your money's worth.
Duncan MacMillan a check made out to the order of WBW.
Or bring check or cash to the next meeting.
Duncan MacMillan
27345 Natona Road
Los Altos Hills 94022
Duncan also needs other information:
Member of AAW?
If not, click
If renewing, click
Advise any changes to: address, home phone, cell phone, email, spouse's name
2018 WBW board members and committee chairs.
President: Bud Trapp
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer: Duncan MacMillan
Secretary: Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: David Vannier
Meeting Program
Coordinator: open
Visiting artist Coordinator: Bob Bley
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
CA Glue: Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply: Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies: Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website: Tom Haines
Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Tom Haines
Website San Francisco Bay Area, West Bay, California