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January Meetings

Three meetings are planned for January, all virtual via Zoom.
Co-hosted by West Bay Woodturners & Silicon Valley Woodturners.

Wednesday, January 6, 7 pm
Show & Tell and
President's Challenge: 4x4x4
The finished turning should fit in a 4"x4"x4" box,
but not in a 3"x3"x3" box.

Monday January 11 2020 7 pm
Don Pettit from Wine Country Woodturners
Quickly dry green wood with various materials

Wednesday January 20, 7 pm
Sawdust session

Check your email for Zoom log-on instructions.

Michael Alguire 

Upcoming Events

Wednesday February 11 2020
Cindy Drozda
Cindy's website

Wednesday, December 2
Program: Thin Stemmed Goblet by Don Bonnett


No one slept through this demo. We were on the edge of our seats waiting for Don to cut through the goblet stem. But that was what it was about: how to turn a goblet and stem without disaster. Thank you Don for showing us the way.
See Don's presentation

     thin stem

Wednesday December 9
Segmenters meeting - “Pieces yhat inspire you”


Photos of the segmenters session

Show & Tell - Wednesday December 14


Photos of the show.

Wednesday December 23 - Sawdust Session


Photos of the sawdust session.

President's Letter - Tom Gaston

Welcome to 2021! We have left 2020 behind.
Despite the covid crisis, the club managed to have a successful year.

With the help of the zoom platform, Bob Bley, Greg Peck, and Mike Lanahan hosted a variety of presentations, show and tells, and sawdust sessions.

An alliance with SVW was formed to pool our talents and resources.

An additional group was spawned by Dave Vannier for the segmented turners.

Turning to the new year (pun intended), we anticipate continued zoom meetings until the vaccines have made enough of an impact so we can meet in person.
Meanwhile, keep turning, and participate in some or all of the virtual meetings.

Happy turning and be safe.

"As the Wood Turns" Reflections - by Dave Vannier

Well...I don’t think any of you will forget 2020. Sadly, the end of the year isn’t going to usher in any big changes in the impact that covid is having quickly. Hopefully the vaccines will continue to show positive results and the roll out will be quick. In the mean time, please join with the Zoom meetings. I’ll be the last to tell you it is a perfect replacement, but there are advantages. Some of the show and tell pieces have included process explanations, and I’ve spent far less time commuting to and from meetings and helping setup and clean up. None the less I look forward to the personal interactions, and the touch and feel of the turnings you’ve produced. Wood turning is a very tactile activity.

The other day, someone pointed out that I’ve been making pieces that take a lot of time. He was right. With my lone sales outlet not happening, I didn’t need to make inventory to sell. The result was to focus on new learnings and to experiment with so many new processes. There have been lots of experiments. Some were successful, some were more on the side of slightly entertaining, ie not having a good answer to the “why did you do that?” question. Others, I really like.

I hope you are staying well, and exploring this shared passion. I look forward to the next in-person meeting we can have. Don’t forget to pay your dues!


2021 WBW board members and committee chairs

President: Tom Gaston
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Jon Bishop
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: TBD (by election of the board)
Meeting Program Coordinator: TBD
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  William Akey
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter:  Tom Haines


click here for contact information on the above

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.