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July Meeting

Tuesday, July 10, 7 pm

Shapes and forms by Jim Rodgers

President's Challenge
A sea shell turning, something other than a Christmas ornament - Sally Ault's ideas

Bridges Community Church
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos



Upcoming Events

Wednesday, July 18 7 pm
Sawdust session
Bob Bley's shop
158 Hillside Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Tuesday August 14
Annual WBW BBQ
Location: Cuesta Park Mt View
Click for map

Sunday September 9
Hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners
Sam Angelo
Click here for more info

August 24-26
Soutwest Association of Turners symposium
Waco, TX
More info here

Friday-Sunday September 14-16
Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium
Loveland, CO
More info here

October 12-14
Segmented Symposium
St. Louis Missouri
More info here



June 2018 meeting: First Aid for Woodturners by Tom Gaston

Tom Gaston

This is one of those subjects you hope you don't need the information, but when you do, it will be vitally important. That being said, pay attention to the prevention list. We wear our safety glasses but do we wear hearing protection. Can we hear advice about hearing protection? First aid for the eye. Lacerations and abrasions. Punctures and splinters. Amputation! Yikes! Do I really want to turn wood?

President's challenge, show & tell here
Click here for Tom's first aid presentation.




Dave Vannier on the AAW Symposium

Did you attend the AAW symposium in Portland this year? If not, you certainly missed a good time! An opportunity to mingle with other turners, famous or not, for 3 days is worth it all by itself. Add in the 11 rotation opportunities to see different things, the vendors area, and the gallery just put icing on the cake. They have an app which made scheduling the different sessions very easy. The demonstrator handouts are available in the app, but we also got a link to one file that has all of the handouts in one place. Don't expect these handouts to replace going to the session, but are definitely an adder. With time between sessions, it was fun to meet up and see what the different sessions that each of us had selected to attend. Mostly I attended embellishing, coloring, and stone inlay sessions. But that is where my interests are right now.


I watched Tom Lohan's session on segmenting. His pieces are spectacular, and very complex. Inspired me to try to get a jig like his setup, that is as soon as my hand is ready to go again.

The vendor area was an opportunity to try out a number of different hollowing systems, along with just about anything else you could think of. I bought a WoodSlicer for the bandsaw. Now, let's hope it works as good as the demo!

Now, if you missed this symposium, there are more coming up soon! The segmenter's symposium is coming up on St. Louis this summer, SWAT and the Rocky Mountain symposiums are also options. I try to attend 1 every year. This was my 12th symposium, and I have enjoyed everyone of them. You should plan to attend one. You will be hooked!


Editor's note:The handouts mentioned by Dave are available here.
The other symposiums mentioned by Dave are listed in the upcoming events above. Try them, you will like them.


AAW American Association of Woodturners

This is a nice article about
"The Benefit of a Well Made Tenon"
from the AAW.

Click here for a readable PDF.

Jam Chuck


2018 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President:  Bud Trapp
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: David Vannier
Meeting Program Coordinator team:
- Harvey Klein, Dave Plemons, Richard Winslow, Claude Godcharles
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website:  Tom Haines

click here for contact information on the above


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   Tom Haines

WBW   Website  San Francisco Bay Area, West Bay, California