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June Meeting

Tuesday June 11 7 pm

Doing it
by Jim Rodgers

President's challenge:
Embellished turnings

Bridges Community Church
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos


Upcoming Events

July 11-14
AAW International Symposium
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Click here for information

September 8
Demonstration: Graeme Priddle and Melissa Engler

October 19
Demonstration: David Elsworth


May Meeting: Jim Rodgers - Embellishments - Overview of Techniques


We are fortunate to have Jim with us for two sessions on embellishment of woodturnings. Jim directs the Diablo Woodturning Center for the Mt. Diablo Unified School District's Adult Education Division. He is a member of the Bay Area Woodturners Association.
In May he did a comprehensive Power Point presentation of examples of creating objects of art from woodturnings through various techniques. This presentation showed the best of turned wood art available today.
See the complete presentation Here.
At the June meeting he will show us how to do it.
See meeting photos here


June's Message from Laura Uden

Last month's program was on embellishment, and we saw some interesting approaches and beautiful photos in the presentation by Jim Rodgers.

As reminder, the President's Challenge is a turning with any kind of embellishment.

This month's program will be on the "how" of embellishment, again with Jim Rodgers. We look forward to learning some interesting techniques!

We hope everyone was able to get their Beads of Courage bowls to Mike Lanahan by June 3rd for his delivery to the kids. Please touch base with him if you still have the materials and expect to finish your bowl later. br/>
WWe're working on plans for the upcoming meetings and social events and hope to share those with you at this month's meeting. See you there!

Laura br/>

2019 WBW board members and committee chairs

President:  Barry & Laura Uden
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Gordon Peterson
Meeting Program Coordinator: Bob Hedges
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter:  Tom Haines


click here for contact information on the above

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.