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June Meeting

Two meetings planned for June, both virtual via Zoom.

Wednesday, June 3, 7 pm
co-hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners & WBW
Program: Show and Tell

Monday, June 8, 7 pm
co-hosted by WBW & SVW
Program: Jon Sauer - Ornamental turning & shop tour

Check your email for Zoom log-on instructions.

Zoom participents

Upcoming Events

July 10, 11, 12
AAW 2020 Virtual Symposium
More information coming soon
(see below)

July meeting - Monday, July 13, 7pm
Craig Timmerman from Austin, Texas
A virtual demo on Zoom
He will demonstrate his advanced wing bowl
His website: www.armadillowoodworks.com

August 28-30
Southwest Association of Woodturners
SWAT main page

September 18-20
Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium
Rocky Mountain main page


May Show & Tell

The May meeting was held Virtually via Zoom. This meeting was co-hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners and West Bay Woodturners on the first Wednesday in May.

See photos of the turnings shown.

Claude g

May Program - Stone Inlay by Bob Bley

The May meeting was held Virtually via Zoom. This meeting was co-hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners and West Bay Woodturners on the second Monday in May.

Bob presented a comprehensive tutorial on creating a stone inlay in a wood truning. He started by describing stone, how to get it, how to prepare it, how to store it. He described how to carve a design into a turning, how to place the stone into the wood and how to cement the stone to the wood. Following that he showed grinding and sanding the stone flush with the surface. Finishing was discussed. The result was interesting and artistic.
The program consisted of a slide presentation and a hands on view of Bob creating a piece in his shop.

The slide presentation is available here
Aditional action photos of the process are here.

Bob's stone inlay

The President's Message from Tom Gaston

Hope all is well with you as we continue our social isolation. I am looking forward to seeing you and all of the work you have turned while sheltering in place.

Looking forward, I hope we can meet in person by mid summer as restrictions ease. Perhaps the summer picnic would be a good start as outdoor venues seem more likely to be appropriate. Meanwhile, the online meetings continue as described later in the news letter. Try "attending" one of these meetings if you haven't yet. The meetings are getting better and better as we learn how to hold them. Bob Bley had an excellent presentation of stone inlay last month.

Be safe. Looking forward to seeing you soon.


"As the Wood Turns" - by Dave Vannier

Under our current restriction, our club is trying to do its best to stay in contact and keep sharing knowledge and inspiration. In my case, I'm healthy, but going stir crazy. I had to drive to my eye appointment the other day. Felt so weird, wondered if I even knew how to drive! But it is giving me time in the shop. So, I've taken on a few project that take time. But, you know that from last month. I completed carving leaves on the outside of a bowl after trying the sample piece using Dixie Biggs's technique. I still need help and practice, but it has come a long way. I then turned a few small pieces of the pear we picked up from the rose garden last year. Wonderful wood for beading and burning. But keeping it from cracking has been a royal pain. Got a few carving and a piercing ideas I'm going to try after it cools back off.

I started a new segmented piece. I'd always wondered how one of the 3D illusion cutting board patterns would look as a turning. Someone on FB did it, looked pretty cool. Doing the glue up now. Might be ready to turn in a few days. Made a few mistakes along the way, but I think it will turn out alright. It is a lot of work and time consuming. The hot weather is great for getting glue to dry. But I'm not big on dripping sweat when I run the table saw. Segmenting is 90% woodworking, and 10% turning.

So, you turn. What are you making? Send Picts to Tom for the newsletter. Share pics in the joint show and tell zoom meetings Don't miss Jon's shop/demo. I've had the honor of seeing it in person. His skill and artistry are a pleasure to see.

Stay safe and healthy. See everyone on the other side.


AAW turning of the week

Week of May 29 2020

AAW turning of the week

AAW Virtual Syposium -new news!

AAW turning of the week

2020 WBW board members and committee chairs

President: Tom Gaston
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Jon Bishop
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Claude Godcharles
Meeting Program Coordinator: Bob Hedges
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter:  Tom Haines


click here for contact information on the above

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.