West Bay Woodturners Association

June 2011 Newsletter  

Barry's work

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Next Meeting:  Jul 12th,   Location:  Los Altos LAYC


Agenda is as movie of dueling bowl making by Mahoney and  Batty.   See the home page for the details.

President's Challenge:  Anything with a natural edge.   So bring any submissions.

This meeting is next Tues.


Main Agenda - June:  Ice Cream Social and the Collaborative


Finished collection another viewDavid Vannier culminated a long and persistent effort to gather the final miniatures for the display collaborative.

See the pictures and the video on the page for the Collaborative and for a list of the contributors.


Good work all.





Starting an online Turning Forum on Bowl Finishing:  will be ready soon

Most have had some experience in using and being a part of a online forum, help group or some other iteration.   It is not always easy to use as a general knowledge base, but can be useful to collect some wisdom on various turning techniques.    I am working with a few Club members to explore how to make this easy to use and more meaningful than the average forum.   I hope that in July we can open this up to the Club to be a useful interactive tool. 




FennellPaul Fennel is planned for Oct 9th of this year, with the hands-on session on the 10th. 

See the homepage for links and details.

Example of his work at left. He does hallow forms with carvings.







Chris Pytlik Demo was on March 13th.   Laura Uden and George Lutz sent in reports which can both be found here.


Other org items:

August will bring us the familiar and fun BBQ.  Jon Sauer will demo the use of the chatter tool.

The Club will hopefully have a competition event this year.  Email Laura if you can participate in the committee to organize.    Also there will be another look into the meeting location, since the cost of the current locations is deemed a bit high.   Let Laura know if you can also participate in this committee.

Plenty of shirts are still available, so let Ross know of your purchase plans so he does not have to carry the stuff to every meeting.

Club Patches have arrived.   Each club member will receive one. 


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   TGannon

WBAW   Website   Peninsula, Calif