2014 Officers were elected: Curtis remains as President, Pat Crowley as Vice President, Bud Trapp to take Treasurer, and Ken McCloud as Secretary. At large Bd member to be elected by Bd in 2014.
CA glue is available from Ken, and Jim has Anchorseal at $15 a bottle.
There are still a number of positions open presently in the Club. Please consider volunteering as an individual or as a team. Several members signed up at the meeting for some of the open responsibilities.
Dec meeting is the Christmas dinner and gift exchange.
A reminder: club competition has been delayed to 2014. Information to come on rules etc.
A survey will still be sent out to the membership.
Cecil Dobbs has worked with Peter Pipe to try to find a way to get the mentoring program going again. The two of them will work it out and let the members know how the program works.
Finances look strong with a balance of close to $7K.