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September Meeting

Tuesday, September 11, 7 pm

Mark Koenig on sharpening

President's challenge:
Your most unusual turning done between
January 1, 2018 and September 11, 2018
and tell the members why it is most unusual
There will NOT be a Show and Tell

Bridges Community Church
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos



Upcoming Events

Sunday September 9
Sam Angelo
Hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners
Click here for his website
Click here for a printable flyer & see the flyer below.

Friday-Sunday September 14-16
Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium
Loveland, CO
More info here

Tuesday October 9
WBW meeting
Christmas ornaments by Harvey Klein

October 12-14
Segmented Symposium
St. Louis Missouri
More info here

Angelo urn


August 2018 meeting: Annual West Bay Woodturners Barbeque


The annual Club BBQ was again successful and fun.
This was our chance to meet socially and talk among ourselves about our turning experiences. The food was excellent thanks to Cutis Vose and others. Cuesta Park was a very pleasant venue.

See other photos here




President’s Musings by Bud Trapp

Thanks to Curtis Vose, who organized the BBQ, Curtis’ wife, Oga, who cooked the chicken at home and brought those sweet Ukrainian candies, and David Yaggi, chief grill cook, we had a great BBQ in August. Thanks to Dennis Lillis for his home-grown tomato salad. More than 35 members and friends enjoyed food and fellowship with spouses and Silicon Valley Woodturners. It was even better that we had the entire picnic area of Mountain View Cuesta Park all to ourselves.

It was interesting listening to the different conversations. One was about sanding discs, which suppliers were best and worst; but key take-away was stay with the same brand throughout your sanding project. One brand had non-uniform grits on any given disc. (I checked that out; over time I have purchased sanding discs from several sources – and yes, I agree.) But each of us has to make their own choice on sanding disc suppliers.

Bob Bley has just sent out an alert about Sam Angelo’s Demo on Sunday, September 9, 9 am to 4 pm at Santa Clara High School. This is co-sponsored by our Club and SVW. This is a really good deal, only $20 for Members and Spouses, but you need to sign up in advance. If you have not signed up, contact Bob Bley, cell: 650-465-7539.

Each member should be able to participate in September’s President’s Challenge. Bring your most unusual turning done between January 1, 2018 and September 11, 2018 and tell the members why it is your most unusual turning. There will NOT be a Show and Tell, ONLY the President’s Challenge.

Our Club is now interviewing members for the 2019 President of WBW. We ask you to volunteer to be our next President.

Our By-Laws say we need to have our election for 2019 officers in October. As a non-profit corporation, we must have a President so that West Bay Woodturners can continue to exist and have monthly meetings.

Bud Trapp


September Demonstration - Sam Angelo

Sam Angelo


AAW American Association of Woodturners tip

Protecting Wood from Chuck Jaws, by Bill Fordney is a handy shop tip from the Woodturning Chatter section of the October 2012 issue of American Woodturner AAW.

Click here for a readable PDF.

Jam Chuck


2018 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President:  Bud Trapp
Vice President: Bob Bley
Treasurer:  Duncan MacMillan
Secretary:  Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: David Vannier
Meeting Program Coordinator team:
- Harvey Klein, Dave Plemons, Richard Winslow, Claude Godcharles
Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley
Anchor seal:  Dennis Lillis
CA Glue:  Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow
Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner
Librarian: Bob Hedges
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website:  Tom Haines

click here for contact information on the above


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   Tom Haines