WBW and SVW were graciously donated equipment from a past member, Ron Seltzer. On June 15, we will be collecting cash donations in exchange for the tools. These funds will be used to fulfill our club charters. Dennis Lillis has offered to host the event at his house.
There will also be a wood event, with turning wood available for reasonable donations to offset the cost of collecting and preparing it.
The large tools will be in the form of a silent auction, with bids being collected between 9:30 and 11. Then the winning bid can make their donation and take their item. The smaller items will be available for a donation. You can find a picture of the large items, along with a minimum donation request below. There is a local grocery store which has an excellent deli!
I’ll start the list with a Delta bandsaw with a riser block. Nice bandsaw on a rolling base.
Craftsmen upright air compressor
Dust collector
Delta 12 “ disc sander
Benchtop drill press
JDS air tech 2000 air filter
Very nice tool storage
Work Bench
Vaccum pump
3 motors for buffing
4 chuck, 1 being a VM120
Oneway bowl steady
Oneway 20” coring base + #1 and #2 knives and support
Misc turning tools
Misc drive centers
Misc tool post