West Bay Woodturners

Promote woodturning education and woodturning as an art form

Logo of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW). West Bay Woodturners is an official chapter of AAW.

Woodturners Newsletter, June 2023

Next Meeting

Wednesday June 21,
7 pm at Bridges Church,
625 Magdalena Ave,
Los Altos 94024


Don Bonnett will demonstrate his techniques for turning finials.

President’s challenge:

A staved goblet, regular goblet or any staved turning.

Upcoming Meetings

July: Tina Chou on bowl turning techniques
August: picnic at Cuesta Park in Mountain View

Notes from the Last Meeting

Wednesday May 17, 2023

Last month we had a great demo and presentation by Eric McCrystal on how he produces staved goblets, uses resin fills to get interesting accents, and uses epoxy as a water resistant coating. We got a lot of interesting tips and techniques about his general process using custom jigs, both on the table saw and the lathe.

We need a note taker at the next meeting so we can publish a better summary of the demo.

President’s Message

How do you organize your shop and woodwork space? As much as I try to keep mine functional, over the years and the accumulation of new tools, wood and unfinished projects, it has slowly become a cluttered hell where I have to “crab-walk” to get to anything. Then I have to move a whole pile of stuff to get to what I need. I’m OK moving one thing to get to another, but when it gets to be a whole pile that needs to be moved and then put back in place, something feels broken.

The obvious solution if to get rid of stuff right? Well, I went a different direction and decided to add more shop space instead. Heck, I love my tools and stuff! Which brings me to a recent revelation or discovery as I slowly migrate into my expanded space. In order to reorganize, I am moving similar materials together, which made me realize that there could have been better ways to keep my things in order all along. I am finding similar things in various locations, which, once consolidated, take much less space and are easier to find when needed. How come that wasn’t possible all along? Well, things tend to show up over a number of years, and take the easiest space available at the time. Which means certain items that belong together are scattered, due to having showed up years apart.

So here’s an easy improvement I now realize I could have done a while back: once in a while, get everything out of the shop or work space, and consolidate, rearrange, regroup, trim duplicates as needed. I found out that was much easier than it sounds, and very satisfying to boot. After only a few hours, I rediscovered items I had not seen in a while, got rid of stuff now useless to me, and feel like I have better access to my work tools. What do you think?

Claude Godcharles

“As the Wood Turns” by Dave Vannier

We will miss Tom Haines. He was a good friend and was active in making WBW a better organization. He had maintained our website and published the newsletters for more years than we should have expected.  Add to that he showed us some pretty nice turnings he had made, and it is easy to see why we will all miss his smiling face.  

This also reminded me to get to work on my will wood stash.  Jim, Dave, and Clarence all left their will wood to us.  If you aren’t familiar with the term, it is that special wood that we obtain and it is just too nice to waste on a so so project.  So we keep it till we know what to do with it.  We never get to it, and it goes in our estate sale to the next turner, who may or may not do the same with it.  I bought a half log of pink ivory at the AAW symposium in Pasadena, 2003. Got a great deal on it, but I’ve never done anything with it.  So, was it a great deal?No ideas for it yet, but I did attack a nice piece of BLM burl and a nice piece of Madrone burl that i didn’t want to screw up so I just kept looking at them. The BLM is something I picked up at the first AAW symposium in Portland. No question it’s dry!  Lots of dust. Found that when it was wet, it had some bugs. Nothing now, but left some filling opportunities which I’m now in the process of working on.  

Lots more will wood pieces that are going to get more attention now. Also means that I have wood I’ll never get to.  Nothing wrong with it. But I’m limited by time, so even though I have ideas, if I won’t get to it, I’ll pass it on.  Your gain. I’ll try to bring a little each meeting.  But in the mean time, don’t just store that special piece.  Find a project, and use it! 


WBW board members and committee chairs

President: Claude Godcharles
Vice President: Tom Gaston
Treasurer: Jon Bishop
Secretary: Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Fred Colman
Meeting Program Coordinator: Vacant (Claude G acting)
Visiting artist Coordinator: Vacant (Bob Bley acting)
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
Craft Supply: Tina
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter: Vacant (Roman, Claude and David acting)

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2 responses to “Woodturners Newsletter, June 2023”

  1. Steven Dahout Avatar
    Steven Dahout

    Emptying out the whole workshop at once is a frightening thing to contemplate and can have a paralyzing effect, even if you took the trouble to make sure all your stuff is on wheels.
    What works for me is to simply keep everything in motion. Start with the horizontal surfaces. Pick one of them, clear it off completely and figure out where each item belongs, keeping related items close. Every time you move something you will get it better organized and you will naturally throw out the junk you don’t need.
    You can start right now and spend whatever time you have today instead of waiting weeks or months (years?) for the block of time it will take to do it all in one swell foop.
    Like that corner over there where you have not been able to walk for a year because of all the boxes and that pile of junk. Get in there and go through it because its been so long you don’t remember what it all is and that will make it easy to sort. When that corner is clear and looking good, it will make you feel good and want to do more tomorrow.
    Aim low and reach your goal in baby steps I say. 🙂
    Keep it moving! Your stuff, that is…

  2. Dean Caudle Avatar
    Dean Caudle

    I really appreciate the issues, they are timely for me since I need to reorganize. This is one reason I like to visiting other peoples wood shops. I get great ideas seeing how others organize space… never ends

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