West Bay Woodturners Newsletter is a monthly update on the club activities. This free resource is available to beginner and professional woodturners.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, March 19,
7 pm at Bridges Church,
625 Magdalena Ave,
Los Altos, CA 94024

March: Texturing Techniques by Brad Bond.
See Brad’s Instagram.

President’s challenge:
March: turn something with a skew. You will get an extra raffle ticket if your turning project makes noise.
Hint: whistles make noise, LOL

Upcoming Meetings and Demos
- April: TBD
- May: TBD
President’s Message
I hope that everyone enjoyed the demo I gave in February. Working with the skew has been quite the learning experience. I encourage everyone to give a shot at the March president’s challenge, using the skew to make something. You get double credit if it makes any noise!
I discovered that giving demos is fun! Most of the time we work by ourselves in our toy rooms, in my case the garage, and seldom get to share how we actually work. So doing so in front of others can be an enjoyable experience. I found it interesting trying to explain what I was doing and why I was doing it in that particular way. Everyone should try it.
This upcoming March meeting presentation will be about texturing. Brad Bond has agreed to give a talk on his very unusual approach combining carving and texturing. It may be a little smoky so remind me to open some of the doors during his presentation! It would be a good quess that April’s president’s challenge will be carving and/or texturing.
I will be out of the country during April’s meeting, so Tom Gaston, our vice president, will be covering for me. We are looking for a presenter for that meeting so let me know if you have a topic you would like to present. Again, you do not need to be expert at it, just something you find interesting and would like to present or demo. Also, let me know if you have a topic you would like to see presented – maybe we can find someone who can do that.
Happy Turning!
Jon Bishop
Last Meeting Review
Wednesday February 19, 2025
Woodturners newsletter notes by Laura Rhodes, pictures by Angela Gunn and Roman Chernikov
- Guest – Alison Lee
- Jim Koren, Treasurer:
- New members: Patty O’Brian White, Pranay Argawal
- 52 people have paid dues
- About 16 have not yet paid dues
- CBN wheel order from Woodturning Wonders, new editable file in progress
- Jerry Galli wants people to go to the Oregon Woodturning Symposium, March 14-16, 2025. About 6 people are currently signed up to go.
- Bob Bley:
- Angela Gunn mentioned on the AAW site with respect to her WIT (Women in Turning) collaboration
- Bob would like to set up more collaboration between club members and welcomes input on how to facilitate this.
- The presidents of West Bay Woodturners, Silicon Valley Woodturners and the Santa Cruz Woodturners are meeting via Zoom to discuss better coordination.
- Roman Chernikov:
- Would like to add a local wood carving club Santa Clara Valley Carvers to the collaboration
- With our new WordPress website, Roman would like to submit our site for the AAW award. Submission is due March 14.
- Dean Caudle, program director:
- Scott Hampton will be demonstrating on Saturday, April 12 at Maker Nexus. A flyer with a QR code linking to the sign-up form is available. Scott will demonstrate a tri-corner box, an erosion bowl, and a platter. Scott will be available on Sunday, April 13, for private tutoring. If interested, let Dean know via the sign-up form.
- Larry’s sanding paste was available for sale at the back table.
- Next month’s demo will be Brad Bond demonstrating texturing.
Program: Turning a whistle with a skew by Jon Bishop
Jon gave a basic lesson on the skew chisel and then demonstrated skew techniques while creating a whistle. He passed around a variety of different skew from his personal collection. The basic skew cuts include: scraping; peeling; planning; V-groove/edge; shallow cove; and beading. Jon recommended Matt Monaco’s skew videos on the Craft Supplies YouTube channel. Another member suggested Brian Havens YouTube channel for skew chisel techniques.
The included angle on the skew should be between 25 and 45 degrees and the skew angle, between 20 and 30 degrees. Some people like their skew ground with a straight edge, other like a radiused edge. There are also skew chisels made from oval, rather than rectangular stock. You can sharpen a skew chisel either with a hollow grind or a flat grind. To sharpen with a hollow-grind, set the platform on the grinder to the desired angle and mark the desired skew angle. If opting for a radiused edge, pivot to create the arc. You can also sharpen a skew with a flat or slightly convex grind using the side of a CBN wheel.

Here are the steps Jon used to create a whistle using the skew chisel:
- Put one end of blank in the chuck
- Drill 3/8 inch hole about 2 ¼ in deep with a lathe at 430 rpm.
- Use the cone-shaped live center in the drilled hole to provide support.
- Round the blank using a peeling cut.
- Smooth using a planning cut.
- Mark for the notch about 1″ in.
- Mark the end of the bored hole.
- Using a razor saw, make a 90-degree cut about to the middle of the blank.
- Make the second cut at an angle to the first.
- Clean up the notch with a file.
- Shape the whistle as desired.
- Sand and then part off.
- Use the remaining wood in the chuck to create the plug.
- Get the diameter of the drill bit on calipers.
- Using a peeling cut, get close to the diameter.
- Fine tune using a planning cut.
- Part off plug.
- Use sanding disk to slightly flatten top of plug and glue in.
- Shape the mouthpiece using a sanding disk to the desired shape.
Presidents Challenge: turn a natural (live edge) bowl or a bowl with handles

Bob Bley showed two natural edge bowls turned from the same maple burl blank. The smaller one was thin walled turned from a core taken from the full blank. The other was a thick bowl featuring the knotty lumps of the burl along the top edge displayed on a three-legged stand. The core was taken out during a “saw dust session” many years ago using a coring system belonging to another member.

Tom Gaston had a pecan natural edge bowl and a pecan winged bowl. Both were turned before he left to help his daughter, welcoming a new grandchild. They were finished when he returned.
Dave Vannier showed a natural edge (no bark) birch bowl turned very thin with carved cutouts. All of the piercings were hand-sanded using a popsicle stick wrapped in sandpaper.

Ed Howes combined both President’s Challenges. He had a winged bowl with a natural edge. The mystery wood came from the club raffle.

Edgar Whipple had to have a live oak tree in his yard taken down. From this wood, he turned a couple live-edge bowls, a natural-edge bowl (the bark started to come off, so he took off the rest), and a flared vase form with a natural edge.
Show & Tell:

Dottie Bang turned three live edge bowls from apricot. She showed pair of spalted birch round vases/hollow forms finished with wipe-on poly that featured the most amazing natural color. She also brought an olive live edge bowl.

Bob Bley brought a 19.5 inch bubinga platter with an inlayed turtle design. While turning, he went too deep and went into the chuck, leaving a five inch hole in the bottom. Wanting to save this large lovely piece of wood, he devised a round patch from a separate piece of bubinga. This left the challenge on how to disguise the patch. Bob collaborated with Chip Krauskopf. Together, they figured out an engraving pattern (later to be filled in with decorative stone) whose edge would fall directly on the patch seam line. This was carved out using the CNC router at Woodside High School, where Chip mentors the robotics team.

Angela Gunn put in a plug for Tina’s spindle turning class at Palo Alto Adult School where Tina helped Angela to adjust her body mechanics to turn better. Angela showed a bud vase she made in the class, as well as a spindle destined to become part of a wig stand for a cancer patient.

Larry Maggi showed a negative rake scraper he made using a bar of High Speed Steel purchased on Amazon for $10. He turned the handle and installed a ferrule. Larry also showed a home-made 2 sided wooden angle gauge he used for the two angles needed to shape and sharpen the scraper.
David Vannier created his own version of Sammy Long’s elegant pierced parasol featured in the February 2025 issue of the AAW American Woodturner. Dave’s version was turned from birch to a thickness of between a 1/16 inch and 1/32 inch. The ribs and edges were embellished with blue metallic paint.

Edgar Whipple also took both Tina’s spindle class and her bowl class at the Palo Alto Adult school. In the spindle class he turned a muddler. In the bowl class, he turned a poplar bowl, a white oak bowl with a recess. This latter chunky bowl could be the mortar for his muddler pestle. Edgar also turned a small black locust bowl from a neighbor’s tree. Edgar stated that the most magical thing about the PAAS turning classes was that you just put your dull tools in a certain bin and the elves would sharpen them.
Dean Caudle showed “Rev. 0” of a Native American flute with a separate fipple. This version was created in two halves using a router to create the bore and then gluing the two halves together. Dean wants to make a new version from a solid piece with a bored hole. The location and size of the finger holes were determined using a computer program.

Tina took a 3-day class with Jimmy Clewes in Las Vegas. Tina likes to take a class with a professional turner at least once a year to help give her ideas to incorporate into her own turning classes. She made a platter of olive ash, a lidded bowl embellished with a beading tool, a couple of Richard Raffan style schools which were torched, and a platter with a torched back. She used a blow torch on the wood until the grain glowed red, then brushed with a steel brush, and finished with liming wax.

Felicia Nicole also took Tina’s spindle turning class. She is glad that she has “graduated” from just using carbide tools. She showed her muddler/mallet.
Kelly Smith, as always, has been prolific. He showed two Hollywood juniper bowls, a broadleaf maple bowl, an olive vase, turned green nearly a year ago, finally finished, a couple copies Harvey’s ornament, an apricot bird’s mouth vase with a little turquoise, an apple bowl, an ash bowl, a cypress box, a maple sphere, and a whole collection of mushrooms.
Other projects by the WBW club members:

Participation Prizes

“As the Wood Turns” by David Vannier
At our last meeting you heard from several members who took a hands-on class with Tina. All expressed how much they learned and enjoyed it. I’ve been convinced for a long time that she would be a good instructor, with her clear focus on the communication side of teaching. I’d like to encourage everyone to take advantage of demos, hands-on classes, and symposiums.
Our club offers us an opportunity to learn from each other through the club meeting programs, as well as bringing in professional demonstrators for the day. Don’t miss these opportunities! There is a work/reward proposition in running the all day demo’s. Yes, there are logistics which take time. But hosting a professional, and having quiet time with them is a rare opportunity. One i would encourage you to consider. I managed the demonstrators for 5 years, and had nothing but positive experiences. Hands on classes are generally not handled by the club, and are set up to cover themselves. Over the years, I hosted a one day class with Andi Wolfe(painting and wood burning), a 2 day class with Stephen Hatcher (stone inlay), a 1 day class with Johannes Michelsen (wood hats), participated in a 1 day class with Sharon Doughtie (Celtic knots), a 3 day class with David Ellsworth (who doesn’t know David!), and most recently a 3 day class with Jacques Vesery (burning, carving, painting, and above all inspiration). As you can tell, each was memorable and I am glad I’ve done every one! I have attended a number of zoom classes. These are inexpensive, can be done from home, and can be very informative. But, staring at a computer screen has its limitations before the mind starts to wonder. So in person if at all possible. But don’t discount those Zoom opportunities.

I’ve tried to attend 1 symposium every year. Sadly, i think my planned health issues will keep me from attending one this year. Symposiums represent an opportunity to be exposed to different work, get a focused mix of exposure to different skills and techniques, as well as catching up with the many friends I’ve made around the world. I preferred symposiums that i could drive to, just because i have always found some new tool or a block of wood i couldn’t live without. We have one coming up in Oregon soon, that will be a lot of fun. If you have the time, i encourage you to make it.
AAW will be back at the home office this year. I was there in 2011, as I attempted to understand what was expected of us for the San Jose Symposium in ‘12. My best description of it was herding cats. If you’ve attended one, thank the people running it. A lot of unseen work goes into making it look like a smooth running machine. My favorite symposium was the Utah symposium. Nothing like gathering with fellow turners and making friends while eating ice cream and BYU campus creamery. Evening were always filled with unscheduled demo’s and of course the famous egg cup races. I never participated, and watched in fear as people threw all safety aside in a race to make an “egg cup” faster than anyone else. As an example, one turner used 2 tool rests and 2 gouges. With lathe running full out, one gouge was used to core out the cup and the other was used to shape the outside. If i remember correctly it was under 10 seconds. Don’t quote me on that. But was it a beautiful shape, ehhhh. Was it done riding a bevel, awwwww. Fun to watch, YES! Would i do it, NO! I don’t know anyone that got hurt, but it certainly didn’t demonstrate safety practices.
So my advice is, don’t miss opportunities to learn. Have fun, enjoy life.
Woodturners Newsletter Editing Notes
WBW members, please let the newsletter editors know if you have a personal website and would like it included in the President’s Challenge and Show & Tell sections of our Woodturning Newsletter. Email us at info@westbaywoodturners.com.
WBW board members and committee chairs
President: Jon Bishop
Vice President: Tom Gaston
Treasurer: Jim Koren
Secretary: Laura Rhodes
Member at Large: Dean Caudle
Meeting Program Coordinator: Claude G acting
Visiting artist Coordinator: Dean Caudle acting
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
Craft Supply: Tina
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose, Edgar Whipple
Website: Roman Chernikov
Woodturners Newsletter: Angela, Jon, David, Laura, and Roman

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