- Woodturning vases, a bowl, and a bell
- Salad Bowls by Dan Boehmke
- Butterfly bowl by Dave Vannier
- Walnut bowl by Robert Bley
- Sea urchin ornament by Mark Koenig
- Dyed Bowls by Chip Krauskopf
- Dyed maple bowls by Mark Koenig
- Hollow form by Mark Koenig
- Jon Sauer turned buttons
- Segmented bowl by Tom Mandle
- Bowl set by Nate Segraves
- Burl Bowl by Dennis Lillis
- Segmented turning by Tom Kenyon
- Pink ivory bowl by Bob Bley
- Bowl with carved handles by Kelly Smith
- Turned and pierced bowl with butterfly decorations
- Turned Platter by Chip Krauskopf
- Turned and carved bowl by Brad Bond
- Carved and pierced vase by Dave Vannier (diameter: 7″, height: 6.5″)
- Turned bottle stoppers by Jon Bishop
- Maple salad bowls by Tom Gaston
- Turned hollow-form by David Vannier
- Embellished bowls by Dave Vannier
- Lidded box by Jon Sauer
- Turned segmented hollowforms
- Turned vase by Tom Gaston
- Embellished eggs by David Vannier
- Butterfly bowl by Dave Vannier
- Jon Sauer turned a bamboo box
- Ash vase by Tom Gaston
- Green Bowl by Chip Krauskopf
- Salad bowls by Dan Boehmke
- Cherry bowl with dots by Tom Mandle
- Intricate project with piercing
- Juniper Bowls by Bob Bley
- Pink ivory engraved by Jon Sauer
- Nice woodturnings
- Inside-out Ornaments by Angela Gunn
- Open Segment Woodturning by Tom Kenyon
- Salad bowl by Dan Boehmke
- Square platter by Jon Bishop
- Buckeye burl bowl by Claude Godcharles
- James Craig: bowl with decoration
- Lidded box by Jon Sauer. Inside view.
- Buckeye burl slab turned by Bob Bley
- Jon Bishop: oak lidded bowls
- Walnut bowl with inlay by Tom Gaston
- Blue spruce bowl by Robert Bley
- Salt Cellar by Tom Gaston
- Walnut platter turned by Tom Mandle
- Turned hollow-form by David Vannier
- Holiday ornaments by Dale Bassman
- Urns by David Vannier
- Tom Gaston: Apricot Salt Cellar
- Flower with a Hummingbird by Harvey Klein
- Turned scoops by Jon Bishop
- Black Walnut Bowl by Jerry Galli
- Salad bowl turned from maple by Tom Gaston
- Mistery wood bowl
- Pierced Bowl by David Vannier
Join us on the third Wednesday of each month in Los Altos, CA! Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, our doors are open for all who love woodturning. Guests are always welcome to explore and learn with us.
Next Meeting
April 16, 2025
7 PM – 9 PM
Bridges Church (2d floor)
625 Magdalena Ave
Los Altos, CA 94024
President’s challenge:
April: turn and embellish a piece with any texture

Read the most recent newsletter or email us at info@westbaywoodturners.com for more details.
If you are looking for an old HTML-based website, use this link.
West Bay Woodturners (WBW) has promoted woodturning education in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1994.
Since 2013, WBW has proudly maintained its non-profit 501(c)(3) status. Your donations will help in our mission.
Quick Links
AWW is dedicated to advancing the art and craft of woodturning worldwide through education.
SVW is dedicated to woodturning education and teaching the members the art and craft of woodturning.

Santa Clara Valley Carvers is a local woodcarving club with a long history of collaboration with WBW.
- Tom Mandle -> Kelly Smith
- Tom Gaston turned a flower pot
- Angela Gunn turned colorful fruits
- Tom Gaston
- Jon Sauer turned spindles with a secret
- Chip Krauskopf
- Tom Gaston shows one of his lidded boxes
- Tom Mandle presents turned maple bowls
- Roman Chernikov turned a pen
- David Vannier
- Ed Howes Presents Thin Bowl
- WBW meeting attendees, 2024-11
- Angela Gunn
- Laura Rhodes explains turning treenware
- Dennis Lillis turned a big leaf maple bowl
- Bob Bley talks about his vessel
- Dan Boehmke shows his bowl
- Nate Segraves with Walnut bowls
- Nate Segraves shows a turned bowl with a lid
- Kevin Lee made an oak bowl
- Brad Bond explains how he carved the grooves
- Dean Caudle
- Kelly Smith Presents Thin Bowl
- Kelly Smith shows a bowl he turned
- Jon Bishop turned a small bowl
- Bob Bley turned a hollowform from an exotic burl
- WBW Meeting Attendees, September 2024
- Tom Mandle turned a black oak bowl
- Kelly Smith shows lidded boxes
- Tom Gaston turned tool handles
- James Craig shows a goblet with a ring
- Ed Howes turned a tree bottle holder
- Kelly Smith Presents Thin Bowl
- Tom Kenyon and David Vannier
- Nate Segraves turned a lidded vessel
- Angela Gunn Presents Turned Gobblet
- Jon Bishop turned black acacia bowls
- Chip Krauskopf turned a few bowls
- Dennis Lillis turned candlesticks
- Claude Godcharles shows a mulberry bowl
- David Vannier Presents Thin Bowls
- Tom Mandle
- Blue spruce bowl by Robert Bley
- Dan Boehmke -> Bob Bley
- Tom Mandle turned several bowls
- Angela Gunn Presents a Turned Flowerpot
- Harvey Klein presents a turned goblet
- Kelly Smith turned a letter opener
- Chip Krauskopf turned a camphor bowl
- Dean Saal turned a madrone bowl
- Edgar Whipple presents his turnings
- Tom Gaston turned bowls with wings
- Bob Bley turned birch platters
- Kelly Smith turned a bowl from olive wood
- Harvey Klein -> Claude Godcharles
- Harvey Klein
- Bob Bley turned a pink ivory bowl in memory of Dave Ross
- Kelly Smith turned and carved bowl with handles
- Al Holstein turned a live edge Sycamore bowl
- Tom Gaston Presents Thin Bowl
- Angela Gunn
- Jim Koren turned a bowl from a pepperwood
- Al Holstein turn a bowl
- Woodturning Champions: Mark Koenig, Dennis Lillis, Bob Bley
- Tom Mandle
- Tom Gaston presents key trays
- Gordon Peterson -> Jim Koren
- Walnut bowls by Daniel Saal
- Nate Segraves turned redwood burl bowls
- Steve Dahout turned a tool handle
- WBW Attendees, June 2024
- Daniel Saal shows bowls that he turned
- Joe Martinka made a burnisher
- Jon Bishop <- Claude Godcharles
- Kelly Smith turned a birdhouse
- James Craig turned drop spindles
- Dale Bassmann Presents a Lidded Box
- Jon Sauer -> Dan Boehmke
- Jerry Galli turned a ripple bowl
- Al Holstein
- Mark Koenig presents turned bowls
- Tom Mandle shows his redwood bowl
- Roman Chernikov made a stamp holder
- Daniel Saal turned several bowls
- Angela Gunn <- Chip Krauskopf
- Chip Krauskopf made a grinder setting template
- Harvey Klein turned pens
- Jon Sauer turned an intricate lidded box
- Dale Bussman turned a lidded box
- Nate turned the pillow bowl from curly black walnut
- Jim Koren turned salt and pepper shakers
- Jon Bishop turned a square platter
- Laura Rhodes turned a maple bowl
- Kelly Smith
- Jim Koren turned a Madrone bowl
- Tom Gaston shows a bowl he turned
- Jim Koren presents a turned bowl
- Ed Howes turned pens
- Laura Rhodes turned stool parts
- Jon Sayer Presents Easter Eggs
- David Vannier shows his turned and peirced bowl
- Jerry Galli Turned a Walnut Bowl
- Angela Gunn -> Gordon Peterson
- Jon Bishop turned maple and walnut bowls
- Bob Bley -> Tom Kenyon
- Jim Koren -> Jon Sauer
- Jon Bishop
- Dan Boehmke
- Jon Sauer explains how sizing tools work
- Jerri Galli turned pens
- James Craig made a mount for laser engraver
- Angela Gunn turned handles for gardening tools
- Tom Kenyon
- David Vannier turned and embellished bowls
- Dale Bassman turn a hollow form
- Kelly Smith
- Vic Mintick turned redwood bowl
- Harvey Klein turned a flower
- Kelly Smith
- Kevin Lee turned a mini vase
- Dean Caudle turned pens
- Jim Koren turned a madrone bowl
- James Craig
- Kelly Smith turned Christmas trees
- Roman Chernikov with tea light holder
- Tom Gaston -> Tom Mandle
- Angela Gunn turned pens
- Dale Bassman
- Tom Gaston
- Vic Mitnick turned pens
- Chip Krauskopf <- Jon Bishop
- Jon Bishop turned a pear bowl
- Tom Kenyon -> Harvey Klein
- Tom Mandle shows turned bowl
- Laura Rhodes made a cherry box
- Gerry Galli Presents Thin Bowl
- Harvey Klein Presents Thin Bowl
- Daniel Saal
- Dean Caudle with natural edge bowl
- Jon Sauer explains how he made his projects
- Angela Gunn turned an iris-shutter box
- Ed Howes turned and saved the bowls
- Robert Bley Presents Thin Bowl
- Daniel Saal turned a walnut bowl
- Tom Sauer talks about turned castle-box
- Jon Sauer
- Al Holstein turned a maple bowl
- Jerri Galli
- Dean Caudle turned a box & goblet
- Kelly Smith -> Tom Gaston
- Tom Gaston turned a nut bowl with wings
- Edgar Whipple