West Bay Woodturners

Promote woodturning education and woodturning as an art form

Logo of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW). West Bay Woodturners is an official chapter of AAW.

About – Club Charter

The purpose of the West Bay Area Woodturners Society is to promote woodturning education of the membership and the general public and to generate a broader understanding of woodturning as an art form.

The specific purpose of this club is to promote woodturning education of the membership and the general public, and to generate a broader understanding of woodturning as an art form through:

  • Regular meetings at which information is exchanged among members,
  • Demonstrations conducted by experts in woodturning techniques, safety and equipment,
  • Workshops, where members can practice their techniques under the supervision of experts,
  • Publication of an electronic and/or hardcopy newsletter and/or web site, and
  • Public exhibition of members’ work and demonstration of their skills.

What are the member benefits?

  • Social:  December Pot Luck and Gift Exchange, Summer Ice Cream Social, Summer BBQ,  each meeting
  • Learning:  Access to our club library, A mentoring program, Basic Skills Classes, Professional Demonstrators
  • Access to wood: Wood Raffle,
  • Club discounts: on orders from Craft Supply, Discounts on bulk items bought by members and offered to members, Club T-shirts and hats.

Review all the member benefits in detail.

December Pot Luck and Gift Exchange

Our December meeting is held at a location that will be announced in the newsletter. Members are encouraged to bring a guest (spouse, significant other, friend, etc). We start arriving at 6:30PM to help set up for the meeting and begin socializing with other members and guests. Name tags are provided. The club provides soda, water, plates, napkins, silverware, turkey, ham, gravy, and stuffing. Members sign up to bring a food item to share with others. The club coordinator will organize this and answer any questions that you may have about what to bring. We start eating at 7PM. After dinner we have a raffle for Christmas ornaments that are donated by members. Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20. We also collect $5 for each participant to donate to the site provider for our meeting. The meeting concludes with a gift exchange. All members and guests are invited to participate by bringing a gift. This gift should be a self turned item, turned to the best of their ability. If help is requested, advanced turners are available. Members can turn the gift for their guest to participate. Please obtain a ticket for each gift that you bring. You are not required to participate in the exchange and will still have a good time. By participating, you will get an opportunity to get a turning from another member.

Summer Ice Cream Social

The July or August meeting is an ice cream social along with an opportunity to “show off”. The club will provide everything you need to enjoy ice cream, toppings, and brownies. Members are encouraged to “show off” their favorite turnings, including items that you may have collected. The location of this meeting will be announced in the newsletter. Members are encouraged to bring a spouse/significant other/guest.

Summer BBQ meeting

Another summer meeting, July or August, is held at Jim Laflin’s home, 18582 Allendale Av. Saratoga, CA 95070 (408)379-2347. The club will provide everything that you need to enjoy a BBQ of hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Please bring a chair and plan to come early. Our normal meeting agenda will follow the BBQ and wood raffle.

Still Have Questions?

Please review the FAQ with all the answers.