Wednesday March 15,
7 pm at Bridges Church
Live demo on finials
by Don Bonnett
President’s challenge:
A defect you fixed based on last month’s talk of
bowties, resin fills, etc.

Upcoming Meetings
April: Kirk Deheer on fixing transitions
May: Eric McCrystal on staved goblets
Wednesday February 15, 2023
Fixing defects with bowties, sawdust fills, resin, stitches
by Claude Godcharles, Bob Bley

Claude Godcharles showed us a way to stabilize a crack using a butterfly/bowtie.

Bob Bley showed filling a crack using small particle materials.
See show & tell photos. Watch video.
President’s Message
Claude Godcharles
“As the Wood Turns”
Reject turnings
by Dave Vannier
Why is it so hard to throw away reject turnings? I come up with all kinds of excuses for hanging on to them. “I’ll fix it”, never happens so there it sits. “It is a good shape for a segmented shape”, but once I’ve cut it in half and traced it, why do I keep it? “I’ve put so much work into it” still leaves me with a piece of junk. I’ve had this piece turned, and sanded for more than 9 months, knowing that it isn’t good enough to give away, not really a special shape, and not fixable. But alas, I sanded off the paint I tried (didn’t address the problem) and then proceeded to spend some of my precious shop time with finish work today. It’s not usable. The problem issues jump out and scream at me.

But i just can’t bring myself to throw it away. If I’m not sure which problems bug me the most, it’s two. The biggest is one we touched on at the club meeting last month. I didn’t seal the bowl before I put epoxy with dyes on it. The dyes leached out into the wood in a very ugly way. Sanding the surface was pointless, as the dye penetrated the wood to the core. Ugly, period. The second major problem can’t be seen in a photo, so guess I could hide it. But the piece is so thin, that the epoxy-wood connection is very weak. One of the butterflies wants to just pop out. With that, it moves from just ugly to unusable. Never give away your trash, it will come back to haunt you.
I did learn from each of these mistakes, so not a total loss. But why can’t I just trash it?
WBW board members and committee chairs
President: Claude Godcharles
Vice President: Tom Gaston
Treasurer: Jon Bishop
Secretary: Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Fred Colman
Meeting Program Coordinator: TBD
Visiting artist Coordinator: TBD
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
Craft Supply: Tina
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter: Tom Haines

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