West Bay Woodturners

Promote woodturning education and woodturning as an art form

Logo of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW). West Bay Woodturners is an official chapter of AAW.

Woodturners Newsletter, August 2023

Next Meeting

Wednesday August 9,
? pm at Cuesta Park:
615 Cuesta Dr, Mountain View, CA 94040


No program in August as we have a picnic at Cuesta Park in Mountain View. NOTE: the date has been changed from our regular third Wednesday to second Wednesday, on August 9.

President’s challenge:

Bring a nice dish for a potluck-style picnic.

Upcoming Meetings

September: Tina Chou on bowl turning techniques from various masters.
October: TBD
November: TBD

Notes from the Last Meeting

(thanks to note editor)

Wednesday July 19, 2023

Jon Bishop on using the Sorby texturing tools.

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President’s Message

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Claude Godcharles

“As the Wood Turns” by Dave Vannier

It has been a busy month, and not a lot of time in the shop.  I’ve been experimenting with a different grind. JoHannes Michelsen was here many years ago, demonstrating his hat turning technique, and then we had a hands on class turning min-hats. I’ve turned a few full size hats, but it takes such a large chunk of wood, I stopped doing it.  But one of the things I learned was turning with a very small bevel. He taught us to free hand grind a tool to get his grind.  The smaller bevel certainly lets you make sharper turns and turn much thinner.  Smaller bevel equals less pressure.  But as my tremors have increased, free hand grinding tools has become impossible. The motion and the way I have to hold the tools just doesn’t work. Wish it did, but something I’m not capable of doing. He created a jig which re-creates his grind.  I was anxious to try it once I found out.  YES!  The jig does a nice job of sharpening and creating the second and third bevels, leaving just a small primary bevel. It also has a side benefit of letting you grind older tools which don’t have enough flute left to sharpen in my other jigs.  So some of my old tools that I tried to sharpen freehand, couldn’t throw away, are usable again!  So far, I love the clean cut on the outside if pieces.  Better than the 40/40 grind even on some punky wood that I had.  A little light sanding with 320 grit and it was done.  Very happy. The inside has been a different story. I’m clearly doing something wrong.  I’m getting spiral effect. Clean cut, but not a smooth surface.  Ugh. I need some more time to experiment and see what I’m doing wrong. Sure its just me, not the tool. 

I added this grind to my tool set:  an Irish grind, an Ellsworth grind, Glenn Lucas’s grind, a 40/40 grind, and one of Mike Mahoney’s grinds that I can’t sharpen.  A total of 6 different grinds. Certainly not something I would recommend as you are trying to learn tool control. Each requires a very different use, but all offer pro’s/cons for your work. And of course it justifies this tool junkies collection of gouges.   Yes I live by the motto of “he who dies with the most toys wins!”, and yes I’m competitive.


WBW board members and committee chairs

President: Claude Godcharles
Vice President: Tom Gaston
Treasurer: Jon Bishop
Secretary: Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Fred Colman
Meeting Program Coordinator: Vacant (Claude G acting)
Visiting artist Coordinator: Vacant (Bob Bley acting)
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
Craft Supply: Tina Chou
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter: Vacant (Roman, Claude and David acting)

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