We post our woodturning newsletters about the club activities every month. If you would like to contribute to our newsletters please send your content to newsletter@westbaywoodturners.com. Thank you!
Newsletters by West Bay Woodturners
Woodturners Newsletter, January 2024
December program: Holiday Potluck! President’s challenge: bring an ornament for the raffle.
Woodturners Newsletter, December 2023
November program: Bending a tree: off-center turning with Kelly Smith. President’s challenge: A Holiday ornament or gift item.
Woodturners Newsletter, November 2023
October program: “Grind, Grind, Grind” — a follow up from Tina’s demo where we had many discussions around the types of grind. President’s challenge: Show a turning with something you learned from Tina’s presentation on Advanced Basics for Bowl Turners. It could be about tool positioning, body motion, etc.
Woodturners Newsletter, October 2023
September program: demo and presentation by Tina Chou on “Advanced Basics for Bowl Turners”. President’s challenge: bring a piece that shows a turned texture, either chatter, Sorby texturing tool, or any other.
Woodturners Newsletter, September 2023
August program: joint picnic with SVW at Cuesta Park. President’s challenge: bring a dish to picnic and a turned item for our show & tell table.
Woodturners Newsletter, August 2023
July program: Jon Bishop on using the Sorby texturing tools. President’s challenge: make a finial, either to fit a hollowed piece, an ornament, or by itself.
Woodturners Newsletter, July 2023
June program: Don Bonnett demonstrated his techniques for turning finials. President’s challenge: A staved goblet, regular goblet or any staved turning.
Woodturners Newsletter, June 2023
May program: Eric McCrystal with a talk on making staved goblets. President’s challenge: bowl with a perfectly smooth and ring free inside transition.
Woodturners Newsletter, May 2023
April program: Kirk Deheer on fixing transitions. President’s challenge: ?
Woodturners Newsletter, March 2023
February program: Fixing defects with bowties, sawdust fills, resin, stitches, etc. by Claude Godcharles, Bob Bley and others. President’s challenge: Something you made with mystery wood.
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